As your Orlando car accident attorney, Carolyn Salzmann encourages Orlando motorists to review tornado safety procedures before this evening’s commute.
A cold front moving through Central Florida and bringing heavy rains this afternoon is expected to create conditions favorable for tornadic activity. If you see a funnel cloud or spot a tornado while driving, remember:
- Your car is no match for a force of nature. Park and wait in a safe location until all signs of tornadic activity have dissipated.
- Stay tuned to weather on your radio. Often, reports can accurately predict the precise areas tornadoes will head and can help you reroute safely.
- Tornadoes aren’t the only danger: in bad weather, it’s often other drivers who cause accidents due to discomfort with the driving conditions.
If at all possible, leave work a little early on this Monday afternoon and take caution. If you’re a victim of an Orlando car accident, contact your Orlando attorney Carolyn Salzmann.