At Legally Pink Law, PLLC, we’re dedicated to representing your interests following an accident. We work hard to make sure you receive adequate medical compensation and damages for injuries you may suffer. Driving is hazardous, and so is the insurance process. Without adequate representation, you can be deprived of funds you’re entitled to following an accident.
The Orlando Sentinel reports on a local accident that took place on Florida’s 528 or Beachline. Without the involvement of any other vehicle or any influence of alcohol, a driver left the Beachline and colliding with a pole, essentially splitting his car “in half.” The driver suffered minor injuries while the passenger did not survive the accident.
The mitigating circumstances surrounding an accident can determine the type of award drivers or the families of the injured can obtain. As an attorney and engineer, Carolyn Salzmann can determine the physics involved in an accident and help produce adequate compensation for your claim.